Saturday, January 18, 2014


26 days left and I've decided to take the weekend and get things done online like closing out my VAST grant, writing some very late emails, and catching up on YouTube videos and movie trailers in anticipation of my impending reintegration into American pop culture.  Yeehaw! We're in the midst of a heat wave here at the moment, which to be honest, isn't too incredibly bad, if only there was some air conditioning sanctuary to escape to! #firstworldproblems much? I think so. 
He has taken to emptying out his toy basket and using it as a fort. We may be more related than I'd thought.

Baby Lesego begins pre-school on Monday and has been parading around the house strapped securely into his new backpack. What he thinks he will be putting in there is beyond me, perhaps a pack of his new "big kid" pull-up nappies? A teddy bear? Someone's cell phone?  My money is on the latter as he has become recently aware that chucking the most valuable object across the room is apparently the most fun.  And so begin the Terrible Two's!

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